Pottery Wheel Classes

One Time Try It Out Wheel Classes
Calling all pottery wheel newbies! Ever wonder what it’d be like to use a pottery wheel and try throwing your very own pieces? Here’s your chance to give it a shot!
$85 for 1person, $160 for 2 people, $230 for 3 people, $70 for each additional. Includes instruction and glazing of your pieces. When signing up for appointment classes each person must sign up individually. We have 10 spots per opening available. 1.5-2hr class. The last 30 mins is left for cleaning up. Included in the price is glazing and firing of your piece! Registration required. Clean up is required. Dress in clothes you can get dirty in. You will make 1 piece on the wheel. Time on the wheel will vary depending on how long it takes for you to make your piece. This is meant to be an experience. If you want to properly learn how to throw on the wheel this is not the class for you. Classes will give you in depth knowledge and experience.
We provide smocks but you can bring a towel to put over your legs. You will make 1 piece. You will be able to glaze your piece on the same day. It is possible for some of the pieces to explode in the kiln. If this happens you will not get your piece back.